Monday, October 19, 2015

The Lambo Accura

IMG_4643 So as this olelongrooffan has mentioned over at, I was fortunate enough to have attended the Branson Auction of collector cars this past couple days. There were plenty of sweet rides there and I wish several of them could have made the trip back to the B's Nest with me. Unfortunately, this was not one of them.
IMG_4536 This olelongrooffan is not a real supercar fanboy. I mean certainly there are some nice ones out there but I have never been a fast driver and the features typically found on these rides would be wasted on me. IMG_4638 The thing I like most about the Lamborghini is how it was founded. Yeah, an Italian tractor manufacturer buys a Ferrari and is unhappy with it. When he complained to Enzo about it, Enzo told him if he didn't like it to build his own car, so he did. IMG_4639 And the beautiful Muira was a result. This one not so much. As a matter of fact, this car left the factory, not in Italy, but instead on the other side of the world. IMG_4640 No, my fellow Hoons. This one began its life as an Acura NSX!! This olelongrooffan has no idear why someone would waste an NSX for this contraption. Apparently no one else at that auction did either as it did not sell for $36,000.00.

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